Forming your future

As ANDRITZ Metals Forming, we shape the future of an entire industry. As an employer, we give you the chance to shape your own future. You experience freedom and stand on solid ground. Together we transform engineering in the digital age - and develop your future. At ANDRITZ Metals Forming.

Our values

What makes us stand out as an employer? What sets us apart from other employers? And what drives us forward? Our values show who we are as an employer. So that you know what to expect at ANDRITZ Metals Forming, we present our three values here and how they are reflected in our day-to-day work. This way you can find out whether ANDRITZ Metals Forming is right for you.

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In order to show videos we use the services of third-party providers. These providers can collect data about your activities. Further details can be found under “Learn more”.

New name, same excellence: These videos were filmed before the name change to "ANDRITZ", so 'Schuler' may still appear


We are the world market leader in a fascinating industry. This success inspires us. But we never take off. Being down to earth and taking responsibility connect us - at best for a professional lifetime. As a traditional company, we stand for quality and are a strong employer for you.

How reliability shows up in our day-to-day work:

  • I perform my duties in a reliable manner.
  • I stand by my words and deeds.
  • I act courageously in the interests of the company.

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In order to show videos we use the services of third-party providers. These providers can collect data about your activities. Further details can be found under “Learn more”.

New name, same excellence: These videos were filmed before the name change to "ANDRITZ", so 'Schuler' may still appear


Our customers count on our performance. You can count on us to help you achieve both your professional and private goals. Therefore, we give you freedom. Especially in the way you perform your tasks. We rely on mutual trust, working in partnership and strong cooperation.

How freedom shows up in our day-to-day work:

  • I understand and respect different perspectives.
  • I act at all times in a manner conducive to partnership and appreciation.
  • I speak openly without passing judgement.

We need your consent to load content.

In order to show videos we use the services of third-party providers. These providers can collect data about your activities. Further details can be found under “Learn more”.

New name, same excellence: These videos were filmed before the name change to "ANDRITZ", so 'Schuler' may still appear

Will to change

Our innovative strength is the fuel for our success. Our technology is outstanding, our products and services unique. This challenges us to explore new horizons together. Whether it's digitization, e-mobility or new ways of working: We embrace sustainable changes and actively drive them forward.

How will to change shows up in our day-to-day work:

  • I am open for new ways and innovative ideas.
  • I take the initiative and contribute in this way to our continuous improvement.
  • I regard change as an opportunity to continuously develop myself and the organization.
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